Two virgin media accounts, my virgin media app
Hi I have two virgin media broadband packages in my name. One at my parents address which I set up while I was living there and opted to leave it active as they are still there. I've now moved out and got a separate virgin media package for myself. The issue I'm having is that I signed up for my virgin media with the details of the first package and now have no way to access details to my new package or make/add an account on my virgin media. So when I sign in all I see is my parents account details. Is it possible to add an account for my new package? Or even make a new my virgin media account for it?
Hope this makes sense and any help is appreciated
Hi there Angmike,
Thanks for your post and welcome to the community.
With regards to this, you'll need to 2 seperate emails for each account, do you have another email address you can use to register the new address with?
Let us know,