Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
2 years ago

My Virgin Media App not showing correct details

I took out a new contract in October but the my Virgin media app is not showing my correct package details. In fact it’s not showing anything assigned to me at all. The service status also just shows a time. 
When I log in online my package details are fine. It is just wrong on the app. I have even tried it on another mobile phone and it still shows wrong details. 
I did try to get assistance from Virgin Media support but the recommended solution is to always remove / reinstall the app but this never works. The issue is not with my phone. 
Something was raised with Virgin media IT but I never heard anything back and gave up. 

  • pmadd78's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Just an update. I had a call from a VM yesterday afternoon regarding the app issue. He told me it was a known issue and would be fixed in the next 3-4 days! I’m not that convinced to be honest. 

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Haha deffo been fobbed off there. Maybe another 3-4 years. Been ongoing since at least October this issue. 

      • pmadd78's avatar
        On our wavelength

        That’s what I told him. He assured me it was a known issue and in 3-4 days it would be fixed. Dream on! 

    • Kath_P's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi pmadd78, 

      Thanks for coming back and letting us know. We're sorry to hear this is ongoing for you. 

      Checking the IT Ticket that's raised, this is still open and being worked on. The team will be back in touch as soon as they have any further updates. 

      Apologies once again for the inconvenience. 


    • Anonymous's avatar

      Logged onto app this morning and got this…

      Don’t know if it’s progress or they’ve completely messed it up now whilst trying to fix it 😂😂

      • pmadd78's avatar
        On our wavelength

        I got a msg yesterday saying the issue was fixed! Logged out and back in and guess what……………………. It wasn’t fixed! 😂

  • Impith's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Any update on this issue? I still have the problem. My support IT Ticket raised by Beth_G is P012572783 - it seems like everyone is getting a different ticket despite it being obvious there is a common problem!

    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi there Impith 

      We are very sorry that you have experienced this issue and it is ongoing we can understand this is frustrating. If you would like an update on your ticket we would advise popping back to agent that raised this for you via the PM and requesting an update.

    • Anonymous's avatar

      Did Virgin Media IT ever fix this? I still have the issue. Contract is ending soon anyway so going to have a serious think. 

      • Vikki_M's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi singlesmart,

        The issue should have been resolved yes. 

        I'm sorry to hear you still have this issue.

        I'd be happy to raise a new IT ticket for you.

        I'll send you a private message now.

        Please look out for the envelope in the top right of the page and pop back to me when you can. 


  • Impith's avatar
    On our wavelength

    Mines still not working either. I just get amused by the way that whenever a new poster asks about this, the team cannot just reply with "Yes there is an issue impacting many of our customers, many of whom seem to have renewed just before it started happening". Instead, it is "I'll send a private message". Has anyone had this sorted as a result of receiving a message? 

  • unisoft's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    In the new version of the app (the old one looked better to be honest) I get JANUARY 70 as the payment date on a brand new install.

    Integrity of data lol and the web portal has always up to date and more correct on billing. Honestly, the app is a bucket of horse manure and should be withdrawn until fixed. Over a year people have reported issues. It really is corporate incompetence.

    • Cardiffman282's avatar
      Trouble shooter

      I just had a nose at the app out of curiosity and learned that I have the luxury of allegedly being in possession of not just one, but two, Hub 3s. How very lucky and fortunate I am (except, of course, I only have one). This better not become an issue at OTS time... 

  • Anonymous's avatar

    The new app version looks good BUT unfortunately it still does not work. It doesn’t show service status for each service (telephone, broadband and TV) and it buffers a lot when you click manage package. 
    And no, the issue is NOT my phone. 

    • pmadd78's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Mines is still the same…. VM what a load of 💩

    • Beth_G's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi singlessmart,

      Thanks for your post. I'm sorry to hear you're having some issues with the app. I'll pop you a message so I can look into this further and raise with our IT Teams if needed.

      • Anonymous's avatar

        Hi. As you can see  my so called account issue has been ongoing for 2 years now. Various staff have tried to help. Countless tickets have been logged with your IT department but that’s when it goes quiet and your IT dept never get back to us. 
        I just use the website version of service checker now whenever something is down as been told many times the issue is my phone. It’s not! My contract ends soon so I can start looking around. It is looking like my package price will more than double if I stay.