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Dawinder's avatar
Just joined
2 months ago

Virgin deleted by old box

Hi all, 

Can anyone help? Virgin sent me a box but they switched off my old box before I had installed the new one. This meant I have lost some really important recordings. I'm trying to get them to revert back but they won't help. There Must be away to recover those files - can anyone help? I'm really angry with Virgin for just switching it off before I had even installed the new box - surely they should be waiting for customers to set up. 

Despite power cables plugged in - no power is going to the box. Please help. 

  • That doesn't sound like something Virgin have done, they can stop a box connecting to the network, but not just stop it powering up. Sounds more like something else has gone wrong, either a faulty box or power connection, and that it is just coincidence about the timing.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    What type of box is the "old" box? And what type of box have you changed to? If this was a TiVo > TV360 move, then this also involves account changes that can't be reverted.

    If no power is going to the box, then as mentioned - this is not a data issue that VM have caused, but a physical fault somewhere in the power chain.

    It's also standard practice to lose recordings in any box-swap scenario. Recordings are not intended for long-term storage.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Once a new box is dispatched you have about 5 days before the old box is removed from the account. As stated, because it is rented equipment you never own the recordings on it, which anyway are only permitted for temporary storage.