Forum Discussion

jjaggii's avatar
On our wavelength
6 months ago

New Contract - Wrong TV Product

Earlier this week I agreed a new contract. I agreed to have Sky Sports and Sky Cinema added to my existing offering. Sky Cinema is fine, but Sky Sports is not in HD. It is in SD (I thought SD a thing of the past). I chatted with VM helpdesk about the issue. He said I could be upgraded to HD for another £7 a month. I said no, I assumed I was getting HD when I agreed the contract. He then offered me an upgrade for £3.50, saving 50%. He asked  if I which to proceed with this offer, I said no, and went to check my contract document. The contract states the addition of Sky Sports and Sky Cinema with no mention of HD or SD. When I tried to convey this to VM Person, he had disconnected from the call. 

Can someone please advise next steps? Thank you.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Sky imposes a £7 monthly supplement on all VM subscribers wanting the HD Sports channels. It's part of the wholesale carriage contract that VM has to abide by, so you are stuck with it until such a time that Sky agrees otherwise.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Unless told otherwise you get SD. I happen to think that an extra £3.50pm for HD isn't bad. (I don't think the upgrade charge has anything to do with Sky, but that's for another thread.)

    If you migrate to a V6 or 360 you'll pay yet more if you want UHD, i.e. a double upgrade is needed from SD to UHD.

    • jjaggii's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thank you for replying.

      Your answer begs the question why did I get HD Sky Cinema and not Sky Sports?

      And £3.50 might be nothing to you, but not to this pensioner.


      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        jjaggii wrote:

        Your answer begs the question why did I get HD Sky Cinema and not Sky Sports?

        Historically, both Sky Sports & Sky Cinema were SD as standard, with an extra charge for HD on both.

        Sky Cinema went-HD only in 2016, but Sports have remained SD as standard to this day.

        This is what the current wholesale carriage agreement states, so the Sports-HD charge will stand until that is changed by mutual consent.

  • Roger_Gooner's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Sky Cinema is either HD or UHD, no SD.

    As for the £3.50: VM charges for products of differing quality, and it's your decision what to buy. I think it's modest for most people (this is Pay TV after all).