Forum Discussion

loyalcust's avatar
Tuning in
6 months ago

Porting number away

I’d like to port my number away from Virgin. I’m in contract with BB +phone until October. If I do this before the end of contract do I simply lose the discount for the remainder or is there a disconnection fee in addition?

  • Thanks for reaching out to us loyalcust, and welcome back to our Community Forums!

    Sorry to hear of the desire to port the landline phone number away from Virgin Media.

    We would have to advise that if you're within a minimum term contract, for this service, the porting would be deemed as a form of cancellation and therefore early disconnection fees would be applicable.

    As for the discount being removed, this isn't something I can advise from this vantage point, but do please come back to me if you are keen to understand further the potential implications of the porting out of the landline number



  • Thanks for your reply. Yes I’d like to clarify the implications of porting away. I unde

    • David_Bn's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for coming back to me loyalcust - check out the envelope in the top right hand corner for a private message from me



  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Telco are supposed to support number porting, without looking for ways to frustrate the process.

    When the number port completes, could VM assign a new land line number to keep the current VM bundle whole ? 
    If they can make sure you have it written in blood that VM will NOT take that as a chance to instantly start a new 18 month VM contract.

    We ported BT numbers to VOIP before joining VM, because we feared this level of complexity and lack of cooperation might well occur.

    • nodrogd's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Client62 wrote:

      Telco are supposed to support number porting, without looking for ways to frustrate the process.

      When the number port completes, could VM assign a new land line number to keep the current VM bundle whole ? 
      If they can make sure you have it written in blood that VM will NOT take that as a chance to instantly start a new 18 month VM contract.

      We ported BT numbers to VOIP before joining VM, because we feared this level of complexity and lack of cooperation might well occur.

      The whole idea of number porting is to keep your number when you change providers. Whoever drew up the rules never envisaged a customer moving one service without others. The primary line is being moved therefore it is a change of contract. The OP would have to rent a second line with a new number, then port the number from the primary line & make the second line the primary line in order to comply with the porting rules as they stand.