Forum Discussion

annevans46's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

I would like to remove voicemail from Phone

I would like to remove the voicemail feature from my phone line. I am an elderly user and find it very frustrating. My son has tried to get this removed for me , but after going through a number of security checks he was advised he needed a power of attorney to amend my account. I find this quite ridiculous as it was a service you put on my phone when it went via the modem. I have tried calling the call centre and they were very unhelpful. My son has now set me up on the community and I do hope I can now get this matter resolved. I look foward to hearing from you soon. Regards Ann Evans

  • Hello annevans46.

    Thanks for your first post and welcome to our community.
    Sorry to hear you're having an issue removing the free voicemail from your phone.
    I'd like to investigate this for you.
    If you don't mind, I'll need to send you a private message to pass security. 
    If you can check the logo at the top right of your screen that would be great. 