Forum Discussion

M_H_M's avatar
On our wavelength
11 months ago

Don't use or need landline. How do I get rid of it and reduce my bill?

Haven't used landline for a couple of years. 

  • Hi M_H_M thanks for your message here in the Community, we hope you're well.

    We can certainly look into this for you, please allow me to send you a PM so I can look into this further for you.

    Kindly expect this to arrive shortly and respond directly when you can!
    Many thanks

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Often landlines are part of a package and having it removed could actually cause your bill to increase. If you want to cancel phone customer services. 

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    M_H_M wrote:

    Haven't used landline for a couple of years. 

    Landlines come with a huge discount on your Broadband. You won’t save much if anything at all by removing it.