Area 06 (SS3) landline down - dial tone but no inbound/outbound calls
Landline uses the rear phone socket on the SHUB3, which currently has red blinking light on it
When you log into the shub itself, telephony status is red (error)
Restarted the shub, did a diagnostic, checked the handsets
Then did a full reset on the shub to be sure
Tried dialing out on the line multiple times, nothing
Try phoning the line from another (mobile) phone and you get an out of service message
I did check the service status page but I've been around enough to know not everything goes up on it
When it did the online diagnostic, it also mentioned needing to reset the shub (already done)
Needs sorting the main reason I even maintain the LL at this point in time is the other person in the property is vulnerable and uses it. I gather from the similar posts on this part of the board there is a fault.