Virgin Go app
How do you download Virgin Go app onto a windows 10 laptop ???
Hi colinnsmart
There hasn't been a windows app for a couple of years so you need to install the web app after visiting the TVGO website
The info below is from
Virgin TV Go is available for all Virgin TV customers, and is available on iOS, Android, Windows 10, PC and Mac.
Supported computers and browsersVirgin TV Go is supported on the following systems and browsers:- Windows 8.1 (15063.0 or higher) and macOSX 10.1
- Google Chrome 69+
- Mozilla Firefox 67+
- Microsoft EDGE (Windows only)*
- Safari 9+(macOS only)**
We no longer have a Windows 10 app, but Windows 10 devices can use the website, and install the web app that is offered when visiting the website. To use Virgin TV Go in a browser please ensure you’ve got cookies enabled in your browser, that is listed as a trusted site, your browser is set to allow protected content, and you allow pop ups from the Virgin TV Go website.
Note: If you register a computer using a browser, you’ll need to use the same browser with Virgin TV Go. Using a different browser, clearing cookies or using incognito mode will be seen as a different device.
*To use Virgin TV Go with Internet Explorer on Windows 7 you'll need to install Microsoft Silverlight.
**To use Virgin TV Go with Safari 11 or earlier you'll need to install Microsoft Silverlight. Virgin TV Go is not currently compatible with Safari 12. To use Virgin TV Go on macOS with Safari 12 installed, you'll need to use an alternate browser such as Firefox or Chrome.