Forum Discussion

joshyboy28's avatar
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5 months ago

Registering a device for Virgin TV Go

Hi, I am trying to set up Virgin TV Go for my mum who has a Windows 10 laptop, she is temporarily without her TV due to moving and needs to be able to watch her programs online. However, when we try and login on the app, for all the live channels and on demand programs, it just says "you cannot watch this programme due to copyright restrictions". It looks as though her device isn't registered, however there is no possible way to register as it doesn't give the option.

When I looked into the "device management" section of her account it says there are no devices registered, and that she can add up to 3, but again there is no ability to register the device.

I am not sure if it's a problem with her laptop as it's quite old, or if there's something else stopping it from working.

Please help as I'd really like her to be able to access her programs!!

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Hi joshyboy28 

    Has your mum informed VM that she's moved house, and got the internet etc set up at her new address?

    If so VM will have set up a new account for her as accounts are registered by address and not the customers name. 

    The Home Move team should have performed what they term a 'move and transfer' for her details across from the old account to the new one. If they haven't completed that then her email address and log in details will still be pointing to the old account.

    Can you please ask her to sign into My Virgin Media, and when it opens up confirm if it shows her new address or old address?


    The problem might also be due to which set top box she has - look at /care/tv-fault/which-tv-box 

    If it's the one on the right (the older tivo box) then she won't be able to watch on a laptop/computer.

    She will need to download and use the TV Control app to watch on a tablet or mobile phone.

    • joshyboy28's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks, where on her account do I see her address? I can’t find it.

      We did inform Virgin that she has moved and an engineer is coming on the 15th to reinstall her services.

      I checked what box she has and it’s the first one, the TV V6 box. I’m not sure I understand why that would affect her ability to use the Virgin TV Go app which is advertised as being available to all paying Virgin customers?

      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Hi again joshyboy28

        When logged into My Virgin Media click on Contract and the address is displayed on the contract.

        I'm afraid that until the services are installed at the new property then she won't have access to TVGo as the services need to be active on the account, BUT if they are still active at the old address then she might still be able use TVGo using those account details.

        If you yourself are a current VM customer with TV from VM then if you agree, she could use your TVGO log in details so she can use TVGo until her services become active (or if you have permission from another VM user she can use theirs)

        Apologies for the misunderstanding I caused, TVGo is available to all current VM customers with an active TV subscription. I was getting confused with the TV Control app having to be used by tivo customers to control their set top box


        You mum could watch the majority of freeview channels on her Windows10 laptop - see 

        She should also be able to view netflix, Prime, Disney+ etc via their websites if she has a paid subscription