Forum Discussion

GEOFF8578's avatar
Tuning in
12 months ago

problem downloading virgin go tv to laptop

trying to download virgin go tv ap from google play store to my windows 11 laptop with chome browser

it will only download to my android iphone . i have a vpn on my laptop

virgin go tv works on my ipad and iphone but i need it on my laptop

any solutions , thanks






  • Hi again GEOFF8578 

    The EPG should scroll if you use your mouse, however the page doesn't scroll if you use the directional keys on your keyboard.

    The message, " Not allowed   sorry this programme is blocked on this device due to copyright restrictions" only usually apears if you are using a VPN.  A number of people say they aren't using a VPN, but some browser add ons and AV programs use VPN's that need turning off.



    • GEOFF8578's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi   your link worked. I now have virgin tv go ln my laptop

      However the tv page will not scroll down

      The channels which are visible have a message  , Not allowed   sorry this programme is blocked on this device due to copyright restrictions

      Can you help again , thanks   Geoff





      to copyright restrictions











      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Hi again GEOFF8578 

        The EPG should scroll if you use your mouse, however the page doesn't scroll if you use the directional keys on your keyboard.

        The message, " Not allowed   sorry this programme is blocked on this device due to copyright restrictions" only usually apears if you are using a VPN.  A number of people say they aren't using a VPN, but some browser add ons and AV programs use VPN's that need turning off.



  • Hello , if i delete my vpn i will not be able to view virgin tv outside of the uk which is the whole point of me having virgin go tv. Also i dont have a  mouse for my laptop.Virgin go tv downloaded correctly onto my wifes ipad

    Any solutions   thanks again for your help







    • newapollo's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Hi again GEOFF8578 

      You could always turn off your VPN temporarily when wanting to use TV Go whilst in the UK, or if  leaving it turned on then set it to select a UK IP address.

      It may also work if you change to either the Cloudflare of Google DNS on your laptop

      There's a youtube video < here >  showing how to change it to Google DNS 

      The Google DNS is and,   and CloudFlare is

      You should be able to use the laptop's touchpad as a mouse, or failing that buy a cheap mouse from somewhere like Amazon..

      • GEOFF8578's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi Dave,

        Thanks for spending your time on this problem. The solution was to delete my vpn and install a virgin compatible vpn. Problem solved !

        Kind regards , Geoff


    • Ayisha_B's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi GEOFF8578 

      Welcome to our Community Forums and thanks for your post. 

      I can see newapollo has been assisting you but if you require any further support, please let me know.

      • GEOFF8578's avatar
        Tuning in


        Yes he has been helpfull on several issues

        However the problem of scrolling down the pages of the virgin tv go channels on my lap top has not been solved. It works fine on my mobile but not on the laptop

        Any help would be great

        Thans , Geoff