Forum Discussion

BBarton's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Locked out sky sports

About a month ago I was locked out of getting sky sports on my ipad, eventually got through o some one who told me I needed to upgrade to HD. I don’t know why I had to do this as I had been watching for many years with out HD, I upgraded, have been locked out three times since. Two weeks ago I received a text asking if my complaint had been resolved, yes was my reply, yesterday I had two more texts asking me if my complaint had been fixed! Does the right hand know what the left is doing? I again replied that I was not happy with the service but yes the problem had been fixed. Half hour later sky sports. Locked!!!
The service is appalling,



  • Hi BBarton 👋🏼.

    Thank you for posting and welcoming you back onto our community forum 😊.

    Sorry to see your Sky Sports has been locked again ☹.

    Have you tried viewing this on another device? 

    Do you have a picture of any error messages appearing at all? 

    Let us know so we can assist you from here. 

      • Vikki_M's avatar
        Forum Team

        We are happy to hear that 🙂

        We apologise for any inconvenience that may have been caused by the interruption.

        If you have any further questions, please pop back to us here and we would be happy to help.

  • Guess what? It’s happened again, can’t get sky sports live,  being told that I don’t pay for the service. Please fix the problem if this happens again I will be leaving virgin!

    • Ilyas_Y's avatar
      Forum Team

      Thanks for the reply BBarton on the Virgin Media forums. 👋🏼

      I'm so sorry to hear that this has happened again. 😞
      May I ask how you managed to get it resolved last time?
      Did you speak with the team or were you able to reset the login?

      Let us know.

      Kind regards,

      • BBarton's avatar
        Joining in


        Last time the problem was fixed re telephone conversation, the current problem has been solved by a robot! All is well at the moment, I just wish the problem would not keep happening.

        thanks Brian