Forum Discussion

Borg100's avatar
On our wavelength
9 months ago

Upload for Torrents always Throttled As proven before

Uploads are capped, i.e, If I see 104Mbps or something like 30-40Mbps it is instantly throttled down to KiB/s. Leaving PC on 24/7 & all day I can upload 1.38Gb all day & that's on private Sites with the latest releases, it's beyond a joke with these Guys..After 11-12 p.m. to early morning, uploads are from 30-40 GB for that time....I need to hear this or that As I've tried every protocol. 

Another topic, Parents both passed in OCT of last year within 1 week & 2 days of each-other & in January I phoned Virgin for some help as Money was quite bad & they offered to give me a 500mg package for £5 less, they seriously are a joke & When another company comes into the area I will instantly leave as will thousands of others! 

  • Hi Borg100, thank you for your post.

    We're really sorry to hear of your loss and that you intend to leave us over the issues you've outlined. 

    In order to look into these issues for you further, we'll send you a private message on here. Look out for the envelope in the top right-hand corner.

    If you're on a portable device with a smaller screen, click on the icon in the top right-hand corner and select "messages" from the additional menu options.


  • The only thing they're throttling is letters from copyright holders.

    VM aren't going to boot you for it but certainly won't cry over losing you: you are losing them money with your usage and that's it's dodgy content rather than anything worthwhile is the icing on the poop cake. If you'd take thousands who feel similarly entitled on these sites with you couldn't be better for VM. Customer numbers may drop but profitability and customer satisfaction from the others will improve nicely.

    • Cardiffman282's avatar
      Trouble shooter

      I'm sure Borg is solely interested in legitimate, public domain, and virus-free files and is fully versed in parts G5 and G6 of the Ts and Cs. 

      • Borg100's avatar
        On our wavelength

        Private Torrents, just films from the biggest Group that's still rated 1 

    • Borg100's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Please get a life... If you knew behind the scenes of this company & so many others who have gotten where they by not doing things by the book. Downloads here are fine Uploads are not what's advertised... 

      • IPFreely's avatar
        Fibre optic

        I'm not the one complaining about my upload ratio but thanks for your concern over my life, or lack of. The uploads are not advertised to hit that speed for every application. If you would take a few in between living your amazing life where you're entitled to distribute content you don't own as you see fit you'll find this in your product details. Torrent uploads are not a valid measure of how the service is performing.

        I may not have a life but at least I can afford to consume my content via legit channels and don't need to call my ISP to ask for discounts then get all offended when they offer a lower product so I guess it could be worse.

  • Absolutely no 'throttling' here.

    Probably related to traffic management in your area due to high subscription.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    No sympathy here. If you cause problems for others you can't complain if you lose out yourself. 

    • Borg100's avatar
      On our wavelength

      how can it cause problems for others? I get full-speed DL (you don't know your field) The upload is capped & some days 1.3-1-56Gb up..(Another little keyboard warrior

  • He didn't say that, takes a few seconds to Google it. He talked about spreading awareness of one series that was heavily restricted in distribution. The idea people torrent then buy the BluRay is laughable.

    If you don't like your VM service leave it and go elsewhere. If you aren't happy with the price leave. Free market and should be other options available. 

    Either way they aren't throttling you. They literally don't have the equipment to throttle you on their network anymore. More likely either an issue with the Hub or with your kit. Given you don't have the money for content I imagine you don't have masses of extremely fast storage so it's quite possible there's a bottleneck on your side. 

    They don't promise any upload speed at all on torrents or any other application, they promise it on their Realspeed test to the Hub.

    I can only apologise for being an idiot. A pretty big insult from someone dumb enough to complain on their own ISP's forum about being unable to break copyright law and the terms of service at the speed you want. If the team actually read these posts that could've been problematic. Worth leaving out what the content is next time just in case someone conscious reads it. 

    • Borg100's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Well Sir, let's say one thing It's already been proven That virgin throttle, it was shown on here a few months ago with valid info shown, The page has been removed from what I read & you got it wrong saying HE didn't say that (1 it was woman from GOT Director or manager.... I've gotten 6th in the world Benchmark with only 5.1gz whilst everyone else above used 5.3/5.4 .... I have given my settings to experts online who just do bios work...You sir do not understand, bye bye little keyboard warrior (& being as the lady made on video on From GOT & yes I do same I watch a Film & if it's any good I buy the stuff from Apple....

      • unisoft's avatar
        Knows their stuff

        Borg100 wrote:

        Well Sir, let's say one thing It's already been proven That virgin throttle, it was shown on here a few months ago with valid info shown, The page has been removed from what I read & you got it wrong saying HE didn't say that (1 it was woman from GOT Director or manager.... I've gotten 6th in the world Benchmark with only 5.1gz whilst everyone else above used 5.3/5.4 .... I have given my settings to experts online who just do bios work...You sir do not understand, bye bye little keyboard warrior (& being as the lady made on video on From GOT & yes I do same I watch a Film & if it's any good I buy the stuff from Apple....

        VM do not throttle. They used to do traffic management, but haven't for years. You will only get traffic managed in areas of severe utilisation, or if a person was maxing out a line 24/7 for months, and I am not 100% sure they even do that now.

        Sometimes on Virgin, routing/peering can be sub-optimal - whether by accident or design - this is usually rooted out by members of the forum and (eventually) resolved.

        As for cost, then do as I did and leave if you cannot agree with retentions a new package deal at a happier price point. No good calling standard customer service for this, and you have to be serious when saying you are leaving to stand any chance of a deal being made AND you may have to walk the walk and cancel if polite and friendly negotiations aren't what you want. Previously, this worked for me and got good package with good pricing, but this time there were other factors for me that made me cancel like the contractual price increases with no penalty free exit clauses.

  • what is your actual speedtest results on samknows? o.0 you should post your hun stats you might not have the correct channels, setup a thinkbroadband monitor, can usually see quality of the line a bit better, if its congested, complain, 

    if possible sign up as a new customer, its what I do :S

  • Likely be back with a new thread in late 2024 / early 2025 regarding throttling.

    To save whomever is lucky enough to read the resident expert's next thread and receive their standard level of politeness and decorum I draw your attention to the sentence in the attached. No-one knows what they are talking about: back in 2020 VM were breaking the encryption on VPNs and throttling torrent traffic inside them. Couldn't have been the operator of the VPN shaping the traffic as many do when they get tired of people consuming tons of bandwidth, aren't many left that don't as bandwidth costs, it was VM.

    VM do not do any protocol-specific throttling. If they did without updating the website to reflect it they would be in strife with the regulator. With the amount of data getting shifted now and how much of it is encrypted or obfuscated trying to shape isn't very effective, costs too much and often catches the wrong things.

    The second paragraph here gives an idea why it may look as though Torrents are throttled: because they are by the protocol to avoid breaking other applications. If there are other problems with the upstream MTP's job is to be conservative with bandwidth usage: it can and will perceive upstream problems with latency and loss as congestion and adjust accordingly.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Personally I'm very happy with torrents being slowed down, whatever the cause, if it stops other customers' service being degraded. 

  • Customers must be aware and, where existing customers, given the opportunity to leave due to terms and conditions changing to their detriment though.