Forum Discussion

maxarian's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

SamKnows RealSpeed test


I'm on Virgin's 1gb and have had dropouts from the start (Hub 5). Samknows used to give 'correct' info but is now reporting apparently incorrect info.  I've lost count of how many engineers (I think 5, not including those that replaced the external cables) I've had visit and 'correct' the faults only for them to return almost immediately (every time) once the engineer leaves. All hardware (except the router - engineer reluctant to swap even though that was what I requested) including ALL cables/hardware inside and outside the house. Some of the engineers decided to attenuate, last engineer said that the Hub 5 should NOT be attenuated. Last visit was yesterday (09/08/2023), engineer not happy (after 3 hours) with the fact that he could not get my 'equipment' in spec.  He said that the Network guys need to now take over (whatever that means). Yep! You guessed it, dropouts are back!




  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    How odd that the Realspeed figures are so low, but are almost identical. Almost as if the Hub was busy when that test occurred.

    Look at the Hub 5 Downstream and Upstream tabs, the Power Levels shown reveal if the line is in spec or if some kind of attenuator or signal boost is required.

    • maxarian's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi Client62,

      Yep! Nobody seems to know why! This is with NO attenuators. The dropouts are 'killing' me!

  • jhuk's avatar
    Trouble shooter

    Hmm why did I get a notification to this thread as it only has 2 posts, and none are mine (did the Mod clean up some posts)?

  • Hi maxarian,

    Thanks for posting and sorry to hear you're having some connection issues.

    I've had a look at things from our side, and can see you've been able to speak to us about this, if you do still need help with anything please let us know.


    • maxarian's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for the reply.

      My situation is as I said.  The dropouts are back so, effectively, I'm having to go back to tethering to my mobile to have a reliable (consistent) connection.  So, far from 'fixed'.

      • Alex_RM's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks maxarian,

        I've been through a few checks from our side, and the system is advising a pin-hole reset if you can please try this.


  • What do you guys use to continuously ping a website so you can 'gather' dropouts?  I'm using ping from a commandline to a text file.  It works but obviously there are better ways to do this.

      • maxarian's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi Alessandro,

        Thanks for this.  I've used, and have been using this for sometime but never really took notice (didn't really understand (and didn't follow up and try to) the results).  I will now!

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What do your Upstream and Downstream connection stats show ?

      • Alex_RM's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi maxarian,

        Thanks for providing a BQM, I've been through a few more checks and it looks like an engineer is needed.

        Before I can arrange this I'll need to confirm a few details with you, I've popped you over a private message.


  • Hi  I just seen your post I have virgins Volt Gig1 assuming you have the same' 

     Question what speed Adapter do You have

     have you adjusted the adapter settings if not take a look at the link below.

    if your adapter is 1gig max you need to buy a 2.5 Gig Card that is what I had to do otherwise you;ll not be able to utilize the full speed, to be honest iv'e never had dropouts, but until i installed a 2.5 card I couldn't see speeds faster than 940 Mbps now with the new card and disabling all the offloads my speeds are flying on Sam Knows/Real Speed iv'e had it go as high as 1295 Mbps but on average its stable at 1152 Mbps.

    hope some of they helps good luck.


      • maxarian's avatar
        Tuning in

        Hi yelrats,

        Thanks for the info but I've had to leave Virgin as nobody (including Senior Techs) could provide a stabel connection (had to tether to my phone to get a stable (albeit much slower) connection).

        To pour salt on my wounds Virgin have ignored my complaint about receiving compensation for the months of non service, instead, sending me a bill for the final month after I had sent their equipment back.  They have now resorted to Debt Collection Centre to collect £35.90.

        This, after 25 years of being a customer - SHOCKING!

  • I just received this email I unsubscribed from this topic! I Don't want any more Reply Notifications i'm done with it!, you seem to think I made a complaint!  this is the only reason I'm leaving this message I am only leaving this topic nothing else. 

    Hey yelrats,


    Zoie_P (Forum Team) posted a reply in Speed on 10-12-2023 16:38

    go on have a look 


    All the best,

    • yelrats's avatar
      Tuning in

      Sorry I misread I see it was to  maxarian even So I had unsubscribed and should not be receiving Reply's to this Topic any longer.