Forum Discussion

Rishi_Chopra's avatar
On our wavelength
9 months ago

Latency Spikes

Hi all, had VM installed around 10 days ago now, I have the Hub 5x, whether it’s wireless, or with Ethernet hooked up to my Xbox (which is the main annoyance) I have high latency spikes that last around 10 seconds, I would say these occur around every 30 minutes, now that may not sound awful but for a competitive gamer it can get quite frustrating, is there any way to fix this, when I run the ping test on CMD the ping spikes to over 2000, and when I log in online to view my Hub 5x settings, when I run the network diagnostic tool, it says that my home network has a few problems, and it highlights the part saying “checking Ethernet connections” I’ve read quite a few of the posts involving latency spikes and the only one that seemed like a fix was to do with changing the settings, and unfortunately it was from 6 years ago so was quite outdated, I’ve also seen people requesting tests etc, now even though I’m a gamer I’m not quite the tech wizard, so if you request these things in the replies, could you explain it easily for me as I do have a hard time following instructions sometimes.