Forum Discussion

Wifyonk77's avatar
Joining in
2 years ago

Constant speed drops

Since Friday the 10th of March I’m having an issue with the incoming speed dropping , it’s stable at about 950mbps after a router reboot , then with in an hour or so it drops to less than 40 mbps , I have spoken to three agents via web chat, 2 said they had fixed the problem , the last agent tried to sell me a Wi-Fi pod to repair the problem . Running the diagnostic via the virgin media site tells me there is an intermittent signal problem and to check back in 24 hours , this done it’s still the same , it’s now been doing this for 7 days , every time I restart the router I get what I pay for , for about an hour then I have to restart again ,I’m using real speed to check incoming speed , thanks for any help

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Check for local faults on 0800 561 0061 - it is an automated service.

    Rebooting the Hub should make minimal difference, but it does restart its network ports.

    Could the severe speed drop be a failing cable between the Hub & Router ?  

    You might be able to see a 100Mb/s connection in the status info from the Hub or Router.

    This is a handy test for Router mode Hubs it shows the service speed to the Hub + speed at a device.


    • Wifyonk77's avatar
      Joining in

      The speed drop is the same on real speed , it’s to the router , both my pc and laptop connected to the hub via Ethernet , different cables both show slow speeds coming in , tried a pin reset and same thing full speed for about an hour then drops off to sub 50mbps 

      • Martin_N's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi Wifyonk77,

        Thank you for your post and welcome to the community. 

        I'm very sorry to hear about the speed issue you've been having. 

        I am happy to take a look into this for you. 

        I will private message you now to confirm your details. 


  • This is the same as my service since around the same time. I noticed about a week ago that my connection was intermittent and then started running speedtests and one test will give me the full M250 reading of circa 260 Mbps then it drops to 70 Mbps and finally to a paltry 10 Mbps download. No amount of reboots, resets, tightening cables etc have improved things. Not sure what is going on. Hopefully a fix will be soon.