Forum Discussion

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Speed test the service to a Router mode Hub + your device with the link below.

    Once the test begins click on: Run full test to see all the stats.

    The speed at the Hub should reflect your subscription rate.

    • MarcusB's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi, Thanks for replying.  Is this what you're after?



    • MarcusB's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi, it's now reporting there's an issue, wasn't there earlier today so for now will need to keep an eye out for any updates

      Thanks to both for helping 🙂

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    For us, street level VM issues are best followed via 0800 561 0061 - it is an automated service.

    VM have yet to release your screen shot of the Realspeed test into public view.

    What I was after as you put it, was for you to be able to see the service speeds to the VM Hub and the performance at your devices.   With those figures, you can quickly decide if the service is good or below par to the Hub and how much speed if any is being lost to or by your devices.

    • MarcusB's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hi,  so hub was reporting 307mbps while device shows 700+Mbps

      Speeds have been back up since I created the thread 😃

      • Akua_A's avatar
        Forum Team

        Hi MarcusB 

        Welcome to our community forums and sorry to hear you have been having issues with your service speeds. We can understand the frustration caused. We are however glad to see that service has improved since posting. Please continue to monitor this and let us know if you need any further help.
