Forum Discussion

JohnUK777's avatar
On our wavelength
2 years ago

Router settings question

Hello all.

At the moment I have Hub 3.  

My devices set up includes various Smart TV`s, Ring Video doorbell, Ring Cameras, Other cameras, Smart plugs,  3 x Echo show devices, PC,    over 30 devices in total.

My question is,    If I were to upgrade /  change my VM Router at any time in the future for whatever reason,  Is there a way that the new Router would remember all the settings/passwords etc  of the existing router ?   Without me having to start all over and  set up each device again from scratch  ?  

At the moment,  lets say if there`s a power cut,  Once power is restored and the router reboots, , all the devices just automatically reconnect themselves to the router again, with no need to set up manually.   That`s what I am trying to achieve should I need to change the router. 

Similar to the " copy my data "  feature when upgrading to a new mobile phone.  

Hope all that makes sense.    Thanks for any help. 

  • Hi JohnUK777


    Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community.

    Unfortunately, a new hub would not remember any of the settings from the previous device.

    You would need to reconnect the devices to the new router.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

  • Hi JohnUK777


    Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community.

    Unfortunately, a new hub would not remember any of the settings from the previous device.

    You would need to reconnect the devices to the new router.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. 

    • Tudor's avatar
      Very Insightful Person

      Vikki_M whilst the new hub would not ‘remember’ existing settings, there is a work around that is legitimate and easy. All the OP has to do is rename the SSID name/s and passwords in the settings of the new hub to those of their old hub and everything would work without further intervention.

      • legacy1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        Tudor wrote:

         there is a work around that is legitimate 

        Nope this is not safe

        This is just one of the reason should never of done wifi people who by a wifi router would setup a SSID and password and if that router goes wrong the user can use their given SSID and password unlike VM o So simple use are SSID and password in the hub.   

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Sorry,  I ticked the  "helpful " option.   not a " accepted solution" option.   

  • Have you considered using your own Wi-Fi 6 router.  The hub3 is so outdated technology. I would not trust it to manage 30 devices..specially security camera.

    • JohnUK777's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Thanks for the reply guys.

      I`m reluctant to actually change it at all really, but at the moment I just can`t figure out what`s wrong.  I fear that if I get VM out to sort out the problem, they may just plug in a new router , wait for it to light up, then disappear into the wilderness and leave me to it.   The thought of having to reconnect and set up all the devices from scratch is putting me of reporting the ANNOYING problem of bad connections etc.  ( I`ll do a separate post of the initial problem, then reply again . )  Meanwhile thanks again, looks like Tudor`s suggestion is the way to go.