Property Damage
We have been in our new build property for nearly two years. Virgin have just finished cabling in our area. A few weeks ago a sales representative knocked on the door and offered us a good deal.
However, BT had already hardwired into the property when built. We didn’t want another gray box on the front of the house. The salesman assured this wouldn’t happen as they rent the lines from BT so already plugged into the house. Sounded great and we agreed.
A few days later I returned home to a large gray box on the front of my house. I am absolutely furious. Nowhere was this stated to be happening and at no point have I been contacted for permission to install this on my property.
I contacted Virgin immediately to cancel and ask for this to be removed immediately. They sent someone out to survey the box and he said it would be removed and made good in a day or two.
A few weeks have now passed, no one has returned and because I don’t have an account number I am being passed around like I don’t exist. I am planning on taking legal action due to the property damage. Does anyone have a contact I can speak to who can actually help with fixing this issue rather than being passed around random call centres repeatedly. To say this is a shambles is an understatement!
Many thanks!