Forum Discussion

10secondbuzz's avatar
Joining in
5 months ago

Ip address change frequency

I have been with virgin for 12+ years and in that time the IP address has been fairly stable. my best estimate is that it has changed every couple of years. For work I need have my IP address whitelisted to access certain services so the 'semi static' (ie dynamic) has never been an issue however in the last 6 weeks the IP address has changed twice which is becoming a bit inconvenient.

I've spoken to virgins support and they said that the IP address is set to change every 15 days "for security reasons".  Does anyone know if this is correct? Is it a new policy?  It doesn't sound right.

I realise virgin don't offer fixed IPs on there domestic connections (if they did I'd happily pay) but a new IP every 15 days is going to be unworkable.

Does anybody know anything about this?





  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Sounds like lies again from customer services, 15 days might be the DHCP allocated time, but it should always get the same address. Customer services were just probably trying to get rid of the call, if there had been a change to IP addresses leases it’s highly unlikely they would ever be informed, they are totally non technical. There could be a reconfiguration of the VM CMTSs happening in your location, it does happen from time to time, but usually settles down after a few days. 

    • 10secondbuzz's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for the quick response - I thought this might be the case. They also asked me to do a "pin hole" reset and tried to get me to disable 'modem mode' for no good reason. They also didn't seem to know that that red light on superhub 3 was normal when running in modem mode. 

      I can't believe I had to  wait an hour in a queue for their "solution" - what a waste of time.

      I'll keep an eye on it... hopefully that will be the last change for a while.

      • carguy143's avatar
        Dialled in

        It sounds like they were clutching at straws as resetting the hub will do nothing to resolve your IP issue and may result in it grabbing another one. 

        You have my sympathies as a fellow home worker.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Changing the MAC of a 3rd party router would likely trigger a change of Public IP.

    • 10secondbuzz's avatar
      Joining in

      thanks for the info - I haven't knowingly changed this but It's something to keep an eye on. I've been using the same router / superhub combination for 6 years+ so my setup is identical to before this started.

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You could see if modem mode and just a PC to it has your IP change or stay the same then I would copy that MAC to your router.