Hub 5 upgrade
Hallo, probably an unusal one but maybe the virgin forum support could help.
I am running a hub3 with a 350 package. The hub has failed and I am getting a replacement. I have a hub 5 which was left by tenants of a property I rent out. They recently emigrated. I offered to return it multiple times but I have never been sent return packaging and Virgin told me just to throw it out. I am under no obligation to store someone elses hub.
Seems crazy. I guess virgin charged the tenants, or let it go. Isn't it possible through support for this to be activated on my account? The phone line support people were not prepared to do this. It could speed up the process of getting me back online and save virgin money. I would need to use it in modem mode, or turn off DHCP for this to be a solution.
Otherwise I guess it is destined for the bin...
Unless the forum support people can do something....