Hub 5 Stuck on Flashing Blu
Hi all, my Hub 5 reset itself (or perhaps we lost power over the weekend, not precisely sure) and now is just stuck on the flashing blue light. While I can connect to my Wi-Fi network, it alerts me that there is no internet connection.
I’ve tried a number of steps that I saw others posters suggest but so far I have had no luck. So far I have tried unplugging the power for 30/60 seconds, pressing the WPS button, pressing the small reset button on the bottom of the Hub for 30 seconds, accessing (which was stuck requesting a CM IP address) and factory resetting, but all of which still get me stuck on the same flashing blue light.
If anyone from Virgin can assist I would appreciate it. Also, if any other posters have had the same issue and resolved it using another solution that I didn’t list above I would really appreciate it hearing about it.
thanks all!