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vy_2's avatar
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6 months ago

Gig2 Cable From Street To Brown Box To Router

Hi Al

New to Virgin. To keep it short, i moved into my house around 2 years ago after a full renovation. There was a brown virgin box attached to the front of my house and a cover marked "cable" on the public pavement. The previous owner might have had cable as there was a coax cable inside the house.


Since the full renovation, the coax cable inside the house is long gone however the brown box at the front of the house is still there (unsure if working or not). I have signed up for Gig2 which i believe is fibre to the premises so I would like to know what cable will be run from the brown box to my new Virgin router location? 


I ask this as I would rather run the cable myself and make it discreet rather than the Virgin engineer just pinning it to the wall via the easiest route (which i totally understand why they do as they have many jobs to do). I'd be happy to make the necessary holes etc and run all the cabling into my house to the router location. I'd rather not wait until the day the engineer arrives as he may not have time for me to faff around running cables etc.


Thank you.

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    I believe the 2Gb package is over XGS-PON, so does not use the co-ax cable.  It may even be supplied from the nearest phone pole depending on the local infrastructure?

    Also note the supplied Hub 5X has no modem mode yet, and the traditional VM TV services are not available as these need the old co-ax installs.  The TV option is only the small streaming box.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The 2 Gig service is XGS-PON using a fibre optic cable.

    Some past topics seem to describe an internal wall box being fitted, from which a fibre patch cable (of varying length) can be connected. That might be the only bit of 'wiring' you can modify yourself.

    Much might depend on the attitude of the person who turns up to do the work as to how much customising you can do yourself.

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Has VM confirmed your order for 2Gig and given you a delivery date?  If so it won't be using that old brown box. 

  • Thanks all, yes i have a install date given and its all confirmed. My understanding is it will be a XGS-PON with one of their new hubs/routers. I was also told i would get a tv package too so i wonder if there will be a fibre cable for the internet and a coax for the TV which seems a bit overkill. 

    I would call Virgin but the problem is the tech support wont really be able to give me details. It would be nice to get in touch with a engineer or someone who has had this done so i can get some insight beforehand. My contract states this:


    ·- Mega TV

    - Stream Box

    - Gig2 Full Fibre Broadband



  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Here is a past topic on XGS-PON installation which might give you some clues on installation

    and here is the spec of the fibre used

    Some customers have had to get their own longer cables to reroute the hub to a preferred location

    I believe the Stream box connects via wi-fi or ethernet

  • Adduxi's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Yes, you might get a TV package, but it will be streaming to the Stream box.  There is nothing like the V6 or 360 with full fibre installs.