Forum Discussion

osiaccr's avatar
Joining in
3 months ago

Fiber pre-install site survey not showing up


First post here, looking for some guidance on how to deal with VM.

For context, my flat gets VM with up to 1Gbps or regular 60Mbps broadband from Sky/BT/everyone else. I tried getting VM when I first moved 1 year ago but after 2 installation visits, I don't remember how many site surveys, 2 months without internet and hours on the phone they told me they can't service my flat even though the rest of the building already gets VM. I was told there was engineering work to be done that would take 6 months then maybe I could be connected. I went with Sky instead.

Last week I called VM again hoping something changed. Did the contract setup over the phone, scheduled an install date for December and a site survey for last week. I told them about my previous experience and very specifically asked that the site survey team does a check inside the building to see if my flat can be serviced.

The day of the site survey goes by, no call. I call them, ask what happened and I get the (at this point classic) response of "The survey team drove by they didn't need to contact you". I asked them to re-book for Saturday 30th of Nov and made it very clear that while the building may have VM my flat has a peculiar issue. Again, no call on that day.

I haven't called them back yet because I feel I am wasting my time.

Has anyone been through a similar situation before? I am considering waiting for the install date at this point and seeing how that goes but I am not too hopeful.

Thanks for any support!
- Cristian

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You may well be wasting your time without knowing what the exact reason was for the previous refusal(s).

    VM's ability (or not) to install in flats can be influenced by many things including wayleave issues and permission to work.

    How are the cables for VM provided to the flats which do have a VM service already?

    Is it via a network of existing cables within the building or via cables to each flat on the outside of the building?

    We have seen installation issues on here in the past where VM will not install outside to locations above first floor level. There have also been past cases where original cabling to a building was installed over flat roofs long ago but VM will no longer allow installers onto flat roofs which has future blocked installation for some residents.

    A VM person should reply to your topic, usually within a few days and may offer you some further help.

    • osiaccr's avatar
      Joining in

      Thanks for the reply!

      The building is terraced with 4 flats and a store at the ground level. 3 of the flats them face the road and have VM through cables going up the facade.

      My flat is at the back of the building. There is a cable in the VM box by the entrance labeled <my flat number, my building name> and I can see that it runs into the first floor flat (there are 2 cables going into that flat). I don't know where it goes from there, I maybe should bother my neighbour about it one day.

  • Hello osiaccr


    Sorry to hear of the issues with your orders and getting information on what is happening, we understand the confusion and you taking the time to raise this via the forums. Welcome to the community.


    As goslow has advised there are numerous reasons for an installation not to be completed, specially to a MDU (Multi Dwelling Unit) this could be due to permission from either the local authority or the building owner, neighbours wayleave or just the general cost of installing against the return on the investment.

    We don't have access to these reasons here but would recommend calling the team on 0800 052 1734 for an update.