Forum Discussion

PiiWii's avatar
Joining in
6 months ago

Want to make a complaint


I recently received an email regarding recontracting as my current contract is due to end later this year.

Today I went on WhatsApp to discuss the situation and was far from happy on the way that things went, basically I thought is was disgusting the way I was treated.

Finally after waiting an hour to speak to someone things appeared to be going well, but soon realised the person didn't understand what I actually wanted. I just wanted to discuss the recontracting cost and to see if they could better that cost.

I stated I wanted almost the same package as I have at present but didn't need the line speed or the O2 sim as it's never used. It seems they did not listen as I was being asked questions that didn't need asking as I'd already mentioned what I wanted.

Upon checking my account I was told to keep the package I currently have to take full advantage of the discount.

After a long pause in the conversation I said so you have no better deals then after again mentioning the recontracting cost I received via email.

Eventually I did get a new recontracting offer but it was going to cost £97 more a month than the original recontraction offer I got through email and that's not including TNT Sports or UHD.

On asking for clarity on the new cost I was never given an answer, I was totally ignored. When asked for their name, again my request was ignored.

I was then told they need a few more minutes to look into the situation and for me to wait.

A minute later I received a replay our conversation has now ended.

So after being on WhatsApp for two and half hours I achieved nothing.

Is there anyone here that can give me advice on taking this matter further.

Thank you.

  • If you scout around the forum under Manage your account area, you'll find lots of people in similar scenarios over the past few months.

    After giving VM the chance to sort the issue out, on this simple, online form, please let the regulator OfCom know about your experience of contracts not being as agreed. Ofcom have been investigating various complaints since 2023, but many customers have not reported because they did not know or thought it would take lots of time.

  • unisoft's avatar
    Knows their stuff

    If you scout around the forum under Manage your account area, you'll find lots of people in similar scenarios over the past few months.

    After giving VM the chance to sort the issue out, on this simple, online form, please let the regulator OfCom know about your experience of contracts not being as agreed. Ofcom have been investigating various complaints since 2023, but many customers have not reported because they did not know or thought it would take lots of time.

  • Hi PiiWii 

    Welcome back to the community forums

    I'm really sorry to hear that recently our standards have slipped when it's come to receiving support. This is not something we like to hear. We pride ourselves on offering the best support possible so it disappoints us when this isn't given.  We can look at raising a complaint for you at our side and start taking the right steps to resolve things which should hopefully restore some of your confidence in us. 

    Please join me on private message so I can locate your account and pass account security. You can see your private messages at the top of the page, in the envelope icon or if you're using a smaller device, you can see your private messages by clicking on the Virgin Media logo at the top right and select 'Messages' from the drop down. 

  • Hi

    Thank you for the advice 👍

    In my situation I'm currently paying £75 a month for a Volt package which was a fantastic deal when I first signed up and includes all the channels and UHD.

    The recontract email offered me was at cost of £79 and have since found out that it doesn't include TNT Sports or UHD so there's no price comparison which I find is misleading to say the least.

    During the dreadful WhatsApp conversation I had yesterday an offer was made to me of a new Volt package at £170 which I presume doesn't include TNT Sports or UHD, this was after saying I didn't want a Volt package as I didn't need the O2 sim or need the fast line speed.

    It makes me wonder how genuine the email offer is because they failed to mentioned this at all.

    The most annoying thing about all this is that they wouldn't answer my question on why the discrepancy on the recontract  amounts or even their name to use for reference purposes, then for them to terminate the conversation is totally underhand.

    So it took two and half hours to achieve to achieve exactly zero.

    On reflection after my own experience and after reading this forum about problems that other people are having it bears the question is it worth all the hassle of recontracting again , I think not.

    Best regards