Volt"Free Sim" - O2 sent Debt Collection Agency Demand
e ended up with a new Volt box a couple of months ago due to ongoing issues with our previous broadband router. I assumed the SIM they sent was included in the monthly charge as nobody told me about it and I threw it away. I then started getting payment demands from O2. I called, emailed, messaged, called and eventually spoke to someone who said activate it then cancel it!
Obviously I said this couldn't happen. She passed me round the houses, everyone said it was someone elses problem.
I emailed their head office, I emailed customer services, I used the resolution service. Then I get a demand for payment from a debt collection agency!
How disgusting is their treatment of customers these days. Through no fault of my own I now have a black mark against my credit.
I refuse to pay for something I didn't ask for and have never used.