Upgrade not as advertised - help needed
Just a warning for anyone who has accepted a recent 'offer' to check your future bills... also a request for help from a VM staff member/mod if possible.
Currently have 500MB BB, phone, TV, plus sports and movies etc for a reasonable monthly cost. About half way through an 18 month agreement.
I got an SMS BB speed upgrade offer week before Xmas, £3 extra per month to increase speed. Great, why not? Need to enter into a new 18 month agreement, but again, no problem. Got pre-contract documents via email which showed the increased monthly cost of +£3, going to full price from month 19. All looked fine.
However, offer has been applied over the Xmas period, due to go live on 30 December when new kit arrives (Hub 5?), howwever, only £3 discount has been applied on the account, rather than a £3 increase (meaning I am now staring at a bill of £162 per month, going to £165 from month 19)...
Clearly, im not happy about this, so posting here first to see if a VM staff member can pick this up and drop me a message to resolve, so I dont need to send in a formal complaint. Otherwise, I need to act very fast, although arguably, I think I have a reasonable case with VM or any ombudsman anyway, given I have copies of the pre-contract docs to evidence what I agreed to.
Anyone who has accepted an offer recently, please check your account!