Trying to get a clear picture
I am trying to leave and have given notice today as I can get 900m BB cheaper than my current 125m. Do not want to sign up and then get the contract altered in a few weeks to become uncompetitive again.
Since giving notice I have been given 4 figures on how much I will have to pay, including a Early Disconnection Fee even though I am to leave one day after my contract expires.
I have called customer service a number of times and been on chats to get the 4 different figures to leave. The only one confirmed in email is the additional early disconnection fee, which customer service say will not be taken but they cannot give a cost breakdown confirmation email after repeated requests.
What does it take to get a clear picture from Virgin.
Currently I am thinking about cancelling my direct debit and pay the bill manually as the customer service just seems a complete shambles.
The customer service reps on the chat constantly asking for 3 letters of my password, which I gave, but didn't work as they actually wanted 3 letters from my memorable word.
As it stands, I as the account holder doesn't know what is going on and Virgin just seems a disorganised mess.
I am going to contact OfCom and raise the lack of clarity and poor customer service handling the matter. It shouldn't be like this.
I have been with Virgin media since 2012 bar short break using mobile broadband whilst predominately working away from home, but I cannot see myself coming back as I have spent about 6 hours on this and I am still none the wiser.
Any guidance as to what to do would be appreciated.