Forum Discussion

atomicjasper's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

Terrible customer service in regards to my activation and trouble renewing contract

Writing here to see if I can get any sort of answers as to what's happening in regards to me renewing and upgrading my contract, what is provided with said contract and why it's now past the activation date but I don't have the speeds, hub or any sort of email bar the reciepts and my new price (That came with a PDF of the activation dates and the package/contract that should have been activated.

My renewal deal was from 350M Volt to 500M (Broadband only) with a new installation.

I've rang up customer service 4 times now, and I've been told by one person to wait until the activation date, another 2 told me that I didn't actually have my renewed contract on their side (But I have the emails saying it's gone through), and the final just tried to sell me a new "better" package saying the one I picked wasn't valid (Despite it being on my renewal deals page) then saying they can't access it either?

I can no longer try to renew a different package because all it's saying is that it's "On the way!"

Any help in regards to what has actually been processed, whether the package has gone through, will be quite helpful, as I cannot access any deals from the website itself until this has cleared.

  • Joseph_B's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hey atomicjasper,

    Welcome back to the Community Forums and thanks for the post.

    Sorry to hear you have been having this issue with your account renewal, I would like to go about looking into this further with you so we can see about getting this order arranged, for me to do so I will need to send you a private message.


  • Joseph_B's avatar
    Forum Team (Retired)

    Hey atomicjasper,

    Thanks for joining me within that private message, if there is anything else I can do for you at all, please do let us know and we would be more than happy to assist you.
