Terminated, and not a moment too soon.
There's much I could say but Virgin Media are simply not worth my time! Infested with idiots the levels of incompetence defy description.
I'm sure the forum team will never publish my latest response to VM so I will...
Having been with Virgin Media since you took over from Telewest I have decades of experience. In that time you have deteriorated beyond words. Everyone has a breaking point and you have reached mine! I will take the incompetence & downright rudeness of your foreign agents not a moment longer. The fact that you refused, on no less than 3 occasions, to transfer my call to your disconnections team in no way prevents me terminating my contract. Such termination letter has been sent by both email and hardcopy Royal Mail, proof of receipt has been received. Virgin media is despicable & I will have nothing more to do with you!
Goodbye and good riddance Virgin Media!