Forum Discussion

jwob2's avatar
On our wavelength
4 months ago

Switching broadband to Vodafone

Hi, I'm switching my provider to Vodafone on 4th October but I'm a bit confused about the switching process. I provided all my details when signing up with Vodafone and they said they had found my account on virgin but then in correspondence received after placing my order it said something along the lines of "If you're with Virgin you'll need to get in touch and let them know". I did this over live chat but haven't had any confirmation or anything in my account that my Virgin services will end when my current contract expires and my new provider begins on 4th October. Is anyone able to confirm if this has all been set up OK and I won't be charged for any services after the 4th October?



  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Imagine what would happen if the Vodafone go live date slips for some unexpected reasons.

    I'd cancel the VM service after the Vodafone broadband is seen to be installed working. 
    Two ISPs are easier to live with for a month of so than none.

    • jwob2's avatar
      On our wavelength

      That's a fair point but I can't afford to pay Virgin the outrageous amount they want to charge me monthly when my contract ends which is why I'm switching 😅 I can use a hotspot on my phone in an emergency.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The only thing that must stay active is your landline number if you are porting it to Vodafone. If you are not porting a landline then, as Virgin is a Cable Broadband operator with their own infrastructure, you have to cancel their services when joining another provider.

  • It's to do with the way Virgin delivers broadband.

    Other providers deliver via the phone/Open Reach network, as virgin is a completely different system other providers can't inform them of your intention to switch the same.

  • jwob2's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I don't really understand the One Touch Switching process that's advertised all over Virgin and Vodafone if that's the case? It's very misleading. When contacting Virgin about it over live chat they said this
    " Your new provider will contact us, to make a request and after that your new provider will inform you
    about your new services." so which is it? I just want some confirmation on the process and when my service with Virgin will end

    • HavencroftKev's avatar
      Rising star

      Changing the conversation slightly, do you mind me asking roughly what Vodafone will be charging you and Internet speeds?


      • jwob2's avatar
        On our wavelength

        It's £30 a month for 910mb, with cashback deals it works out around £25 a month

  • Wow, that's not bad at all.

    My VM contract is up in December so I'm looking to switch myself.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    How long before the £25 per month becomes £75+ per month ?

    • jwob2's avatar
      On our wavelength

      If it does then I'll switch again 😁

      • newapollo's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Ref the One Touch Switch process. This is used irresepective of which network the customer is on or moving to, so it encompasses Open Reach connection, VM, YouFibre, CityFibre etc.

        Mistakes/mismatches are expected to occur and Ofcom have told providers they have to temporarily retain the old migration process (Notification of Transfer / NoT+) – until 24th October 2024 – to act as a fallback for any OTS failures.  

        Info below from / 

        Detailed Summary – One Touch Switching

        Step 1: Customer Contacts the gaining provider and provides details

        ➤ The customer contacts their chosen gaining provider (in store, online or by phone) and requests to switch their services.

        ➤ The customer shares their:
        – name;
        – address and postcode;
        – contact details;
        – losing provider’s name; and
        – the services they want to switch.

        ➤ The customer chooses the new services, confirms if they want to keep their phone number and agrees a switch date (this can be as soon as the next day, but can take longer). The gaining provider confirms whether any engineer visits are necessary.

        ➤ The gaining provider identifies the correct customer and services to switch.36 If this is unsuccessful (i.e. there is no match against the losing provider’s records), the gaining provider asks the customer for more details (e.g. account number, phone number or serial number on their equipment)

        Step 2: Losing provider automatically gives customer switching information and customer gives the gaining provider their consent to the switch

        ➤ The losing provider automatically gives the customer switching information (e.g. early termination charges, impact on other services) without the need for the customer to request it. The
        information is provided by the method and to the contact details the customer chooses e.g. as part of the gaining provider’s online order process (downloadable afterwards), email, text or letter.

        ➤ The gaining provider gives the customer information about their new contract.

        ➤ After having the opportunity to consider the information, if the customer is happy to proceed, they give the gaining provider their consent to switch (who retains a record of consent). This can happen in real time during their phone or online conversation.

        ➤ The gaining provider confirms the start date and the services being provided.

        Step 3: Customer’s new services begin on agreed date

        ➤ On the agreed date the new services will start and the old services will end. If requested, the customer’s phone number is transferred.

        ➤ The customer does not have to pay any notice period charges beyond the switch date.

  • Hi there jwob2 

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

    I am so sorry to hear that you are leaving and thank you to our community for their assist so far. I have taken a look and can see that you have spoken to our team in regards to this already, are you all sorted with your cancellation now?

    • jwob2's avatar
      On our wavelength

      Hi Ashleigh, thanks for getting in touch, I have spoken with the team over live chat but I'm still a bit unclear about the whole thing. Just to clear can you confirm if everything is set up for me to complete my switch on 4th October with the one touch switch process? I don't want to continue with my virgin services after the switch is complete on the 4th.

      • Steven_L's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for coming back to us jwob2, your new provider should be able to provide this information for you as they are responsible for keeping you updated as the gaining operator but we can check from this side, we would just need to pass account security via a private message, that I will send over in a moment.

        Kind Regards,
