Renewed my contract not been changed
I recently renewed my contract on the 13th april got the email with my order reference saying it would be activated on the 16th nothing happened.
Called virgin today 1st call put me on hold never came back after 20min I hung up.
2nd call I was on phone for 37min most of it on hold came back and put me on to detentions for 5mins on hold again then they hung up.
Now the 2nd call they said to me the package I ordered they couldn't offer anymore even though I've got an order number for it my current package is m135
mix tv
talk more anytime calls
The new one was
M250 Fibre Broadband,
Virgin TV 360, TV Essentials, Phone Line Rental, Anytime chatter
£73 then £93 after 18mths
They tried to offer me a package for more why would I want to pay more when I've gone for a cheaper deal absolute joke
Thanks for reaching out to us Dave99999, and welcome back to our Community Forums!
Sorry to hear of the issues you've been experiencing with the renewal of the services with Virgin Media.
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