No TV service since June
Hi we have had no TV since the end of May beginning June, we waited a week for the technician to arrive he made a repair and then it failed again then we waited for another technician and it failed again, then he requested a new external cable, we were due to have this in July they failed to turn up, we went through everything again and they were due to come out at the end of August, guess what they failed to turn up again, we were told next months work is programmed and we have to go to the back of the queue which is in October, we in the mean time they have taken their monthly income from my account for a service they have not provided, it has taken hours of calls and e mail's to a system that is clearly designed to make things as difficult as possible, and then when i asked can you reduce my bill while I am waiting, I am told oh I am sorry sir even if we don't provide the TV there is no provision to reduce your bill ? it is not the money I am frustrated with the sheer incompetence of the system and their inability to use common sense, when one job is not completed it should be the next in line not go to the back of the queue