Forum Discussion

Willithappen's avatar
Tuning in
11 months ago

Longer wait for refund

Ok 6 months I had to wait for vm to install my service and finally got connected but by then I was owed £443 in compensation. 4 February I got to ring them for my compensation claim but they said 5 days to wait . 14 February nothing. Rung them again was told nothing on my account. So back with the details of my account and was told 10to 14 days before I would receive my money. Yes you probably guessed. Just look at the way they have treated me.   NOTHING. Rerung them AGAIN and got hold of someone who don’t know what they are talking about and told me 40days 14 days 21days and even 14 days all in 1call. . But the way they treated me even with the insult of telling me so much lies. I’m going to tell the world about this. It’s now the almost 14 march 6weeks since I first called them for a refund and I can see where this is going. (Watch this space).  I wonder what would happen if I was to tell other providers about my experiences from start to date. What do you think. What would apps like Facebook. Tinder. Etc. think of my experience with vm . How many people would go elsewhere for a better life. Because they are so busy doing nothing. 




[MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]

  • I’m been waiting four and a half months since I signed up and still waiting to be connected 

    • Ashleigh_C's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi there Willithappen 

      Thank you so much for your post and welcome back to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

      I am so sorry to see that you install has been delayed, I can see a member of our team has already popped you a private message over to discuss this further. 

      Please do pop back to them and they will do all they can to help. 

      • Willithappen's avatar
        Tuning in

         Waiting from the 15th July2023 now it’s the 23 December 2023 bearing in mind that they turn up every fortnight between dates now I have to wait YET again and because of the Christmas holiday 9th JANUARY 202…4.  YES  2024 

  • The thing you need to consider is that VM’s reputation for customer service is already so far down in the gutter that daylight is a dim and distant memory - they regularly prop up the rest of the ISPs in OFCOM’s annual tables of customer satisfaction. No point in threatening to expose them to anyone else, everyone else already knows, there is nothing, absolutely nothing you can do to damage their reputation any more.

    Officially they should provide the compensation within 30 days of you being connected up. After that time, if it doesn’t appear, then you start by making a formal complaint - best do it in writing to their Sunderland office (address on the website, somewhere). Now this complaint will go nowhere, but it is a required pre-cursor to escalating the issue to the Ombudsman service for third-party adjudication.

  • Hi Willithappen 👋 thanks for returning to the thread to keep us updated. 

    Glad to hear you were eventually installed, but sorry to hear about your new poor experience in getting your delayed installation compensation. This is usually applied to the account directly by our Auto-compensation scheme (You can read more about this here 👉 ). If it has not yet appeared it may be that we need to request a manual review of the compensation to ensure it is applied. 

    We will need to confirm a few account details via PM so we can investigate what has happened and offer futher support with this. I will do this for you now - you can find the PM in the top right corner of the page in your Inbox. 📩 We can then return to this public thread with another update when possible. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

    Wishing you all the best. 🌞