Longer wait for refund
Ok 6 months I had to wait for vm to install my service and finally got connected but by then I was owed £443 in compensation. 4 February I got to ring them for my compensation claim but they said 5 days to wait . 14 February nothing. Rung them again was told nothing on my account. So back with the details of my account and was told 10to 14 days before I would receive my money. Yes you probably guessed. Just look at the way they have treated me. NOTHING. Rerung them AGAIN and got hold of someone who don’t know what they are talking about and told me 40days 14 days 21days and even 14 days all in 1call. . But the way they treated me even with the insult of telling me so much lies. I’m going to tell the world about this. It’s now the almost 14 march 6weeks since I first called them for a refund and I can see where this is going. (Watch this space). I wonder what would happen if I was to tell other providers about my experiences from start to date. What do you think. What would apps like Facebook. Tinder. Etc. think of my experience with vm . How many people would go elsewhere for a better life. Because they are so busy doing nothing.
[MOD EDIT: Subject title changed for clarity]