Forum Discussion
- jandacooperUp to speed
I am concerned about this too. If TNT is not available, I doubt that I will remain with Virgin.
- japittsVery Insightful Person
If TNT is not available
TNT is available
- jandacooperUp to speed
Thanks, I don't want to pay more for it though...
- Graham_AVery Insightful Person
TNT is available on Virgin Media so you won't lose out.
- jandacooperUp to speed
Thanks, I don't want to pay more for it though...
- roy247Superstar
If TNT is not currently part of your contract then it's an £18 a month add on.
- arrgee1991Problem sorter
£18 is cheap compared to the £31 for Discovery Plus subscription.
- arrgee1991Problem sorter
Shame this didn't happen at start of year and I could have watched Australian Tennis Open. Not much I watch on Eurosport but will be glad of it for French Tennis Open.
- roy247Superstar
Don't know what package you have but you could have watched the Aussie open without TNT on Eurosport.
- arrgee1991Problem sorter
I have MIXIT, so no Eurosport. And it would cost me £25 to add it. TNT on its own works out cheaper.
- 1701-eFibre optic
So will Virgin offer alternative channels or a price reduction for this loss of channels? I'm not optimistic.
- Lee_RForum Team
Hi 1701-e
Your bill will not change directly as a result of the channel closure. While the channels will no longer be available, Eurosport content will still be accessible via TNT Sports should you wish to subscribe.
TNT Sports is already included in some Virgin TV bundles, or can be added to your package for £18 per month.
- 1701-eFibre optic
TNT is being removed from said packages month by month @Lee_R so as a casual user of Eurosport (one of many) sadly losing out.
- SpacePhoenixFibre optic
Will the existing Eurosport channels be re-branded as TNT Sports, coming under the £18 extra payment required to get TNT Sports or will they simply be axed and vanish?
- nodrogdVery Insightful Person
Warner have confirmed the UK versions of the Eurosport channels will close on all platforms, with content moving to the existing TNT Sports channels in the UK & Ireland. The only way to get Eurosport in the UK after 28th February will be the German SD version which is still FTA on satellite Europe wide via Astra 1L at 19.2 east.
- Web-JunkieUp to speed
I received an email about this because I regularly view Eurosport and this part of it states this:
TNT usually costs £18 per month, if you opt in to this offer you will receive TNT Sports at £18 per month with a discount from Virgin Media for £18 which means you will not pay anything extra for the first 6, 12 or 18 months of service, depending on how many months you have remaining of your minimum contract term.
We will contact you at month 17 to remind you that the service will become chargeable if you don't remove it, if you do nothing you will be charged at the current rate from month 18.
My contract is 18 months and ends in September 2025, so if I subscribe to TNT now will I:
A) Only get TNT Sports FREE until the end of my contract and pay nothing if I cancel before my contract ends as per the email states or only get it FREE for 6 months because the email states the remaining 6, 12 or 18 months of service and mine has 8 months left so what does the 6, 12 or 18 months actually mean?
B) Will my existing contract terms change if TNT is added, i.e. it's a contract change so will it be charged for changing and will it start as a new contract?
Some people I know have already rung Virgin and none of the operators know anything about it and have tried to sell them a new contract with TNT, unbelievable for a communications company to not communicate this to it's own employees!!
- jandacooperUp to speed
Thanks, I don't want to pay more for it though... and I believe that I already pay too much.
- Daniel_EtForum Team
Hi jandacooper, thank you for your posts.
If you'd like to discuss your package and the options currently available to you, please call 150 (free of charge) from a Virgin Media landline or 0345 454 1111 from any other phone.The options you'll need to select are one, then four, then four.
Daniel- jandacooperUp to speed
Daniel, thank you, I am grateful for your reply.
- fizzFibre optic
I have Tnt already I was forced to pay for because I watch rugby when bt sport went now I am losing eurosport but luckily I am being fleeced for tnt so I'm quids in right... right???
- pretty_fly_wifiTuning in
I called Virgin yesterday to ask about TNT sports because I had only just signed up to a new 18 month contract "deal" they offered me because it included Eurosport in the upgraded tv package. The change was from from MixIt-TV to Mega-TV.
They wouldn't send it to me in writing (left a note on my account instead), but they assured me that on Feb 28th when Eurosport goes that I'll have TNT sports added to my MegaTV plan free of charge. Currently in the tv menus it says TNT is £18/m extra for my plan, so I'm very curious to see if they deliver, or if I have to call again. If they do, then good on them and fair play as this whole change with Eurosport is out of their control.
- jandacooperUp to speed
Hmm. I have raised the issue of leaving VM, suddenly I have a '360' offer, but my emails have become disrupted. What should I think?
- mattbabsDialled in
My concern they will move a lot of content onto Discovery plus when they lose the Eurosport channels. Even if you want TNT you will be missing out unless you get Discovery plus as well. I'm a cycling fan and this had already happened with a lot of smaller races. They used to be on GCN which was a lot cheaper than Discovery plus.
- nodrogdVery Insightful Person
WBD will be launching a dedicated sports app going forward that will carry all the content presently carried by the Eurosport, TNT Sports & Discovery+ apps.
- Roger_GoonerAlessandro Volta
WBD is pressing ahead to integrate Eurosport with TNT Sports in the UK & Ireland from 28 February 2025, and subscription will be by both broadcasting and streaming via discovery+. From 2026 a new Max app will replace discovery+ with new content such as HBO Originals, Warner Bros. films, DC Universe and Max Originals. The cost of subscription will surely rise, but a deal such as Sky has got may be possible, i.e. the ad-supported version of Max being bundled at no extra cost.
- Deano04Tuning in
Currently have Maxit tv with two channel packs, one of which is the TNT sport channels, Will my package stay the same after Feb 28th, need to know before committing to another contract, if the channels are going then so will the whole lot for me.
- Lee_RForum Team
Hi Deano04 thanks for posting and welcome back to to our community.
So that I can offer you clarity and reassurance regarding keeping TNT Sports, I'm going to need to take a look at your account. To enable me to do so I'm going to send you a private message. Please keep an eye on your inbox in the top right of your screen.
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