DV disconnection problems
Hi guys just hoping someone here has some advice.
here’s the problem : had to disconnect early due to DV in January - been sofa surfing ever since.
Always paid bills on time, sent all equipment back (which was over two years old from previous contract) and told virgin about situation - having said it would be waived they still sent a bill. This repeated every month - I got another bill, I phoned to explain and ask for help - each time it took about an hour of being ping ponged around virgin departments and then repeatedly cut off and never once did the customer service rep call back - so I’d have to start again!!
next thing I get a debt collection letter - I called them and explained the situation and they refused to collect the money for virgin as they considered it un ethical. The debt collectors spoke to virgin and they got the impression from virgin that it would be waived.
then I get another bill and the cycle repeats - I am trying so hard to get this sorted out and after 4+ months I can’t get it sorted no matter how many people I speak to at virgin.
I can’t keep doing this it is so distressing, probably will have implications for my credit rating and for a communications company their communication is shocking.
If anyone’s got any advice please help me.