Dealing with retentions & getting a UK based call centre
We are in the last week's of our contract for which our 350mb broadband only will go from £35 per month to £57, though the last month 1 of the discounts appear to be 17 months and not the full 18 months as the other discount as this months bill is £42.
So, I call retentions last night and unfortunately get the overseas call centre. Trying to cut a deal has proved frustrating so far as quoting deals online for both new customers and with other providers along with black Friday offers that they can't see on their system to verify has limited what they are offering.
So far the best the overseas retentions has offered is 500mb for £36 pm or 1000mb for £42pm. Yet this is still short of new customer & black Friday deals both with Virgin and other providers. Current advertised Virgin offers are 500mb for £38.50 with £100 bill credit right away which make that more £33 per month. 1000mb (well 1130mb) is £45 per month, free for the first 3 months making an effective £37.50 per month.
A BT based line, I can get 500mb for £30 per month or 910mb for £36. So current retentions offer is well short of what I can get for a comparable speed elsewhere or as a new customer. And that we now have a comparable speed option elsewhere on a BT based line would I assume make getting a deal more likely as they should know this.
Yes, I know some may well give the same old "but that's new customer only deals" etc. But I'm pretty much out of contract and actively looking to either re contract or move. So in that instance expecting to get at least as good as a new customer deal to stay & re contract is not unreasonable when I have options with other providers.
So what sort of deals have others got recently and is there a different number for UK based retentions who have better access to deals and can verify offers from other providers when negotiating?.