Forum Discussion

tc472's avatar
On our wavelength
12 months ago

Contract Renewed Today Feel I have Been Mis-Sold

I took a call this evening from Virgin who stated I've been on my contract for 18 months and it's due to expire. If I do not change to a new contract, my monthly bill will increase.

The line was terrible and kept cutting out and it was incredibly difficult to understand what the chap was saying and numerous times I had to ask him to repeat what he said. I did ask for this to be done via e-mail but told not possible.

Eventually, after much frustration, I have agreed to the new 18 month contract with the understanding none of my services will be changed (broadband & TV).

Now I cant access TNT Sports either online with TV Go or at home and says I need to upgrade to watch. I've checked my package details on line which states I have MAXIT TV which includes the channels I'm now missing. However, the e-mail regarding the new contract states MEGA TV...which doesn't. 

I'm expecting to be told that I'll need to foot the bill to get TNT Sports and I feel I have been misled or mis-informed by the caller and this isn't acceptable.

  • If you want to try talking to a UK based person about this then call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 and select the " leaving option " and speak to retentions who are usually UK based unless you are unlucky, if they aren't and you are having problems with what they are saying hang up and try again, 8am is usually the best but you can be lucky any time of the day.


  • you should have the option to cancel the upgrade and even cancel all services if you wanted to, I know calling support is a hassle,  maybe try live chat or whatsapp? or with any luck the forum team can help =-/. although they struggled to offer me a good deal for renewal. 

  • TNT Sports has been removed as being included, more to do with the change from BT to TNT, it's now an addition, the cost I have seen varies it was £18 a month, I have also seen it knocked down to £10 on VM's home page when looking for what's available in your area, also some people have said they have had it added for £10 or slightly less.

    As a side note I have just seen something saying if you are a BT/EE customer it's either £24 or £20 a month but they do get Discovery+ the streaming versions.


  • tc472's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I now know its no longer included. My main grievance is the fact I wasn't told this by the Virgin employee when renewing my contract and when I asked, was told nothing would change from my old contract to my new contract.

    • roy247's avatar

      Was he phoning from somewhere outside the UK, don't trust what they say is my advice.


    • roy247's avatar

      If you want to try talking to a UK based person about this then call Virgin on 150 from a Virgin phone, mobile or landline, or 0345 454 1111 and select the " leaving option " and speak to retentions who are usually UK based unless you are unlucky, if they aren't and you are having problems with what they are saying hang up and try again, 8am is usually the best but you can be lucky any time of the day.


  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    tc472 wrote:

    I took a call this evening from Virgin who stated I've been on my contract for 18 months and it's due to expire. If I do not change to a new contract, my monthly bill will increase.

    The usual misconception over what these contracts are. You have a rolling service contract at a fixed price, with a time-limited promotional discount.

    All that happens on the 18month point is that you exit the minimum term, lose the promotional discounts but otherwise continue on exactly the same basis.

    By re-contracting you have been migrated from the legacy Maxit TV tier to its replacement, Mega TV. The difference is the loss of inclusive TNT Sports. As with any other distance selling scenario, this comes with 14days statutory "change of mind" right of cancellation.

    There have been a few threads on this board where some slightly inventive marketing activity has mistakenly stated "no change", "same package" or some similiar wording. If you have proof of that, you may have an argument for retention of TNT Sports - if you are willing to stand your ground. If no such proof is available, then you either pay up for TNT Sports or revert under 14days.

    • FlockWallpaper's avatar
      Up to speed

      japitts wrote:

      tc472 wrote:

      I took a call this evening from Virgin who stated I've been on my contract for 18 months and it's due to expire. If I do not change to a new contract, my monthly bill will increase.

      The usual misconception over what these contracts are. You have a rolling service contract at a fixed price, with a time-limited promotional discount.

      All that happens on the 18month point is that you exit the minimum term, lose the promotional discounts but otherwise continue on exactly the same basis.

      By re-contracting you have been migrated from the legacy Maxit TV tier to its replacement, Mega TV. The difference is the loss of inclusive TNT Sports. As with any other distance selling scenario, this comes with 14days statutory "change of mind" right of cancellation.

      There have been a few threads on this board where some slightly inventive marketing activity has mistakenly stated "no change", "same package" or some similiar wording. If you have proof of that, you may have an argument for retention of TNT Sports - if you are willing to stand your ground. If no such proof is available, then you either pay up for TNT Sports or revert under 14days.

      And I think that you know as well as I do, that VM’s marketing and advertising department are simply out of control and making ‘offers’ and ‘promises’ that simply don’t conform with reality.

      Yes the subscriptions have changed and TNT is no longer included in the ‘new’ setup, fine! But when an advertising campaign or a VM agent promises the ‘same package’, any reasonable person, and indeed a Court should push come to shove, interpreted that as the services you are receiving now will not change, but they do and hence VM are in breech of contract! What really needs to happen is for a number of people that have suffered from this, to make a formal complaint to the ASA

      Because is not like this is a new thing, people have been complaining on here for weeks if not months about this blatant mis-selling.

      • roy247's avatar

        If it's the offshore sales team phoning I would listen to what they say and then cut the call short.


  • tc472's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I refuse to pay more and have less.

    I'll either drastically reduce my package or go elsewhere. 

  • jpeg1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You are certainly not the first person to have complained on here that you have been mis-sold a new package that excludes TNT sports.  By this dodge they have sold you what you believed was a good deal but you will actually have to pay more to get the same channels.

    Any court would say this was mis-selling, but they know very well that you aren't going to report it.

    All you can do is tell them you are cancelling because you were mis-sold the new contract. They may come back with a better deal, or they may not. That's a risk you will be taking.

  • tc472's avatar
    On our wavelength

    I'm furious with this. I've been with Virgin for over a decade, paid quite a bit in that time. 

    I really struggled to understand what was being said by the caller with the accent but you're hesitant to state that for fear of being accused of discrimination. Obviously the call quality didn't help matters either. We all know off shore call centres are cheaper than UK based but come's ridiculous.

    Are sales lying to get your custom or just ignorant of what is and is not available now?

    Virgin no longer the Company it used to be.

    • roy247's avatar

      I've been with Virgin since Cable & Wireless, NTL and now Virgin, you do need to speak to retentions (the leaving option option) when calling to negotiate a new contract to actually get any sensible answers, you speak to the offshore people and it's yes you get the same but then the new contract email they send is different and they give you some BS about being able to change it.


    • Matthew_ML's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hey tc472, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.

      If you have agreed a new contract you should get sent some documents which will show what you have agreed to,

      You also have a 14 day cooling off window .

      Did you get this email?