Contact renewal
On 15/04 I phoned in to query my April bill as it showed a charge for Paper statements £1.75 & WiFi booster £8.00.
I dont have paper statements and dont remember that last time I had a paper statement. I dont use a WiFi booster, though some time ago an unsolicited pkge was sent to me.
The agent I spoke with said she would see whether there was any options to pay less. After much time 82mins on the phone she came back with a pkg at £88/month for 18 months and I received the new contract.
On the 16/04 haveing read the terms I had a further Query, the online chat didnt wok in either web browser so again I had to call, the agent asked me to go thro security and said I gave the wrong info, I waqs reading payment sum direct from my bank, I was not rude or obusive and the call was terminated by the agent.
I then received another contract with different terms and received a notification that my equipmemt would be delivered by courier.
I access my VM account and view the contract, it still shows my original expired contract.
What is going on?