Confirmation of termination
Several weeks ago I spent more than 3 hours on the phone trying to arrange termination of broadband. I am out of contract. I spoke to two advisers, cut off both times when they said I needed to confirm my wishes with ‘retentions’ and spent ages responding to a useless bot. I was advised the termination was recorded and I asked for email confirmation. I have received nothing.
A few weeks later, I again made contact and was told that the original advisers hadn’t completed the correct paperwork. I was told this would be done and I would get email confirmation. I have received nothing.
Because of a slight delay with Openreach, I rang to ask for my termination to be extended by a month to March 12th. The adviser told me that no termination was recorded on the system (!) but that she would sort everything and confirm by email. I have received nothing.
Are you able to confirm that this termination is set for March 12th? I don’t want to get into a debate about not giving 30 days’ notice.
Thank you.