Can't view bills online
For 4 or 5 days now I have been unable to view my bills online. When I try to, the page shows the following message.
"Oops! You’ve caught us hard at work.
We’re sorry this part of the site isn't available at the moment, everything will be back to normal again soon, so please come back and try again shortly."
For a company specialising in digital access I am very disappointed their online information access is unavailable for >24hours. It is especially annoying since I do not receive paper statements.
How much longer before the service is up and running again?
Hi dss1tv
It may be that there was a temporary error when you were trying to view via your browser. That is now probably saved in your browser cache and will be displayed each time until the browser cache/cookies are cleared.
Did you try opening an incognito/private window instead (this wouldn't have the stored page)? Or a different browser?