Forum Discussion

Royster58's avatar
Tuning in
4 months ago

Cancelling Netflix!!

I have now just cancelled Netflix for the 4th month running. Every time it gets to zero days it reinstates itself!!. I did not ever subscribe to Netflix via Virgin Stream but suddenly started finding it on my monthly bill. My bill is in excess of £100 anyway and you are charging me £17.99p for something I have never subscribed to!!. My Son has a netflix account which He subscribed to via the Netflix site, He doesn't use virgin stream, I do occasionally use His password to watch Netflix but this should have nothing to do with Virgin Stream. I also watch Disney with my other Sons Password but I don't get any problems with that. This is ridiculous and I would cancel the whole package but My Son pays toward the Broadband as He works from home for the NHS and is an avid gamer and needs the connection speed. I am now a pensioner and as it is, found it necessary to continue working part time to pay my bills. Please somebody look into this, it is clearly a Virgin issue. I don't like phoning because it is quite often non English operators and I often struggle to understand them, Please take no offence to this, I work with many eauropean people and get along fine, I am just speaking the truth. Please see attached pic of my cancelled Netflix subscription. I did this a half hour ago but this is the 4th time. As I said, it gets to zero days then just resubscribes itself Please put this right. I don't have £17.99p a month to just throw away.

  • Thanks for reaching out to us Royster58, and welcome back to our Community Forums!

    We're sorry to hear of the issues you've been experiencing with the Netflix account, that would appear to have been activated via the Stream Box at some point - hence the billing via your Virgin Media services as advised.

    Can you please confirm if you have been able to discuss the removal of this account directly with Netflix at all?



    • Royster58's avatar
      Tuning in

      I will try not to be rude but did you read my post properlly?. I have never had a netflix account, so why would I bother contacting them?. I have no netflix account, it has somehow been created against my wishes via virgin stream. I have attempted to cancel it via my virgin media/ my package/ my subscriptions successfully 3 times now but when the days wind down to 0 days it resubscribes again!!. You have taken money from me without my permission, that is stealing. Please do the right thing if you are capable of helping Me and get this corrected from your end. I am already looking into changing to another provider but all I want is for Virgin Media to stop taking this money from Me and refund what has been taken up to this point. The screenshot attached was taken just now. Clearly it is counting down. Please sort this.

      • Royster58's avatar
        Tuning in

        A quick piece of extra info. My son just checked His account, there is no mention of any connection with virgin media and the payments come out with His bank details. Also He is charged £10.99p a month. You are charging me £17.99p a month for this service and it has to stop.