Forum Discussion

shirln79's avatar
Joining in
5 months ago

Adverse credit notifications on credit file

Hi There,


I started a package with yourselves in November 2023 when I moved into my new property.  When I moved in I was making manual payments.  I was late making two payments, not back to back these were two separate months. It wasn't intentional, just due to the chaos of moving and Christmas and not setting a direct debit up straight away.  As soon as I realised I'd not made the payments the account was brought up to date, and not within a lengthy time from the original due date.   

I've recently been applying for a new mortgage and have been having issues so requested a copy on my credit file.  The only adverse history on my credit file were these two late payments of under £40 each.

Please can someone assist, I've always had a clean credit file and because of an oversight on my part I know can't get a mortgage.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    This is a different spin on the usual "I've got a default and it's not my fault" type post!

    It sounds like this could boil down to what VM define as a late payment, or more specifically - how soon after billing date is payment due. Beyond that, your payment is late by the letter of the contract.

    The T&Cs seem quiet on this, I can't immediately find any reference to it. The next obvious place to check would be your bills for the relevant time - is there any reference to "Payment due" dates? I'm unsure whether you can extrapolate a payment-due-date from when a direct-debit would otherwise be taken.

  • Hello shirln79


    Sorry to hear of the adverse information recorded on your credit file due to late payments being made, we understand the confusion this can cause and you taking the time to raise this via the forums. Welcome to the community.


    From the information given, if you have missed payments on multiple occasions, depending on the time these payments were outstanding prior to being cleared, late payments fee's will be applicable. If adverse information has been recorded against your credit file for said late payments we wouldn't be able to remove these as they represent an accurate record of your payment history at that time.


    Depending on when these payments were and when they were made your credit file may be updated to show as 'satisfied' but again, the record wouldn't be removed.