Virgin sales agent skulking on my property
I want to check that a door sales agent which visited my property a few minutes ago is genuine. I didn't answer the door or speak to him, but have recordings of him on 2 security cameras. He walked up my drive, hesitated near the front door and then looked down the side of my house and walked down there - did not knock or ring the door bell. He then walked around to the back door, obviously looking at my garden and shed and those of my neighbours. He then knocked at the back door quietly- ignoring the doorbell. He then spent about 20 seconds having more of a look around the back gardens, before returning around the side of my house to the front door to post a card through the front door - still not knocking or ringing the doorbell. He was wearing a red virgin fleece. The virgin sales card has a name and mobile number on it. I want to find out if he's genuine and make a complaint about him. His weird behaviour makes it obvious that he's sneaking around looking for things to steal, and in any case I have prominent notices on the front door stating that I do not want any door sales people to disturb me and do not want junk mail.
The name on the card is [MOD EDIT: PERSONAL INFORMATION REMOVED] and the phone number on the card is [MOD EDIT: PERSONAL INFORMATION REMOVED]
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