Forum Discussion

chamelious's avatar
Tuning in
11 months ago

When will the 10gb port on the hub 5x start working?

Title. Anyone from virgin please advise when this port will stop connecting at 100 and work as it should? 

    • chamelious's avatar
      Tuning in

      Any device. Confirmed by virgin engineers, replaced twice. It's clearly the firmware. 

      • carl_pearce's avatar
        Community elder

        Any device?

        1Gbps ethernet, 2.5Gbps ethernet, 10Gbps ethernet?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    What grade of network cable is being used with the 10Gb/s port ?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Does your laptop or computer also show the 100Mb/s link rate ?  ( i.e. its not just a Hub 5x display issue )

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM way of slowing you down but at least real speed shows good to the hub.

    or you don't have a 1Gb NIC

    • carl_pearce's avatar
      Community elder

      legacy1 wrote:

      VM way of slowing you down but at least real speed shows good to the hub.

      or you don't have a 1Gb NIC

      Rubbish, you really thing VM would forcefully limit the 10Gbps ethernet port to 100Mbps?!?

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Given this is the third Hub 5x, perhaps it is not the Hub 5x regressing to 100Mb/s.

    It is not possible to tell which device ( the Hub or computer ) elected to operate at 100Mb/s.