Forum Discussion

NinjaMeerkat's avatar
Fibre optic
2 years ago

Unable to delete a series link

I am trying to delete an series link, the link says its updating but it has been in the state for nearly a week.  I can not move the link within the series recordings list either, it moves but then goes back to its original position.  I have tried powering off the V6 but the link is still there.  Any pointers? I am reluctant to reset factory reset the V6 as I have over 30 series links set up and a lot of recordings.



  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    What link is this that says "it" is updating?

    • NinjaMeerkat's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Its a series link and next to the link is says updating in brackets. Like when you move a series link higher or lower in the list.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    So you're in the "Manage my series link" screen. This isn't an error I've seen before, but (in no particular order) things that I would try..

    Make a change, any change, to the SL config - single-channel/multi-channel, record new/anything.. use whatever means necessary to make this change. Use the "manage my series links" screen, find the programme via "search & explore", find a planned recording.

    Try doing the same, and/or deleting the link.. via the TV Control app.

    Try cancelling the link via a planned recording or "Search & Explore"

    Out of interest, what's the programme?

    • NinjaMeerkat's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Thanks for this, unfortunately I can't make any changes to the series link as when the link is selected nothing happens, there are no planned recordings. No difference when using the TV Control app.


      The program is Sue Perkins Lost in Alaska and now i have another show behaving the same way,  The Real Manhunter.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Both those series should have VoD assets available - can you access the amendments screen that way?

    • NinjaMeerkat's avatar
      Fibre optic

      Thanks, tried your suggestion and modified the series link and then tried to delete it but still no joy.

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Drat! My last throw of the dice would be a software reboot rather than a mains reset as you've alluded to. I've seen a few funnies over the years that the latter didn't resolve.

    The only reset you shouldn't use is the "clear & delete everything" option under Home > Help & Settings > Clear or restart. The others, especially in this case "reset my TiVo", should be perfectly safe.

    If that fails to clear this, and none of my "crowbar" suggestions work, I'm at a loss - and could only suggest corrupt data in the V6 somewhere.

      • japitts's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        NinjaMeerkat wrote:

        Do you mean "Restart my Tivo" ?

        That's the one. The first option under the reset menu.

        No danger in that, apart from interrupted recordings during the restart process.