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Re: Sky Sports UHD FF/Rewind not working properly

Tuning in

I've had this problem since I added the Sky Sports UHD channels last year. Very annoying. I get it on both V6 boxes, on different TVs, and have had a tech out who changed one of the boxes. I'm told that it's been escalated up the VM technical ladder, with the outcome being no resolution. I was then given the channels FoC.

I'm wondering if changing over to 360 will fix it, but I'm loathed to make the leap in case it doesn't.


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @Crumple 👋.

Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to the Community Forums, apologies for the issues that you are having with playback functions with Sky Sports. Can I ask since your post, have you been able to get this resolved or are you in need of further assistance?

Let us know.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Does FF/rewind/pause work on other channels, or is this specific to Sky Sports UHD?

Highly unlikely a conversion to TV360 would fix this.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Hi Sabrina_B,

Problem is still unresolved.

Hi japitts

It's only Sky Sports UHD. Same as......

I'm thinking you're right that TV360 won't fix it. 


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Hey @Crumple,

Thanks for getting back to us with this, can you confirm if you have spoken to Sky at all since having this issue, as if its just affected on those channels it is likely something with them.


Tuning in

Hi Joseph_B

My contract is with VM, so I'm not in a position to approach Sky. If there's any anomaly with their feed I would hope that VM would sort that out with them.

I have noticed that the issue is particularly bad with live outside broadcasts. E.g. F1 & football. The only way I can comfortably watch these is live, as anything recorded / buffered is a pain. Studio programmes like Soccer Saturday on UHD don't seem to play up.

Hello Crumple.

Thanks for replying.

It's a tricky one to call this.

If it is just happening on Live UHD content then we would say it is the feed that Sky are supplying us.

Let me send you a private message to take some account details.

That way I can pass this onto our product team to have a look.

If you can check the logo top right of your screen that would be great. 


Joining in


I am also having this problem and have tried a all sorts of swapping cables and HDMI ports and this is 100% a problem.

It is mentioned in another forum here

Please also DM me as I would like a resolution for this

