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Not fit for purpose?? Error codes/faults

Tuning in

For weeks now I keep getting tv guide un available and now tonight showing it again and with error codes c233 v210 c130... 

I've done the usual...wait/ un swith/un plug.

I really don't want to call as previously Horrendous service...on phone at times for hours and even getting cut off....

  • Just really done with virgin after continuous problems over the past year.

Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The EPG being unavailable will be due to a loss of internet connection. The V6 calls home approx once every 6 hours to  update the EPG over the internet.

error-code/c233  and /c130 both relate to internet issues, have you tried following the help for error c233? 

Did you reboot the hub as well as the V6?  Is the V6 connected with an ethernet cable or wirelessly? Are you using a 3rd party router/access point?

 Go to Home > Help & Settings > Settings > Network connection. When was the last successful connection?

If you're connected using wireless, what's the signal strength reported?

have you tried reconnecting V6 to the internet?  If not  instead of rebooting the hub you can try clicking on  "Connect to Virgin Media service" and wait around 30 minutes before rechecking, what does it say?

Hopefully it will have reconnected and all will be working again.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The EPG being unavailable will be due to a loss of internet connection. The V6 calls home approx once every 6 hours to  update the EPG over the internet.

error-code/c233  and /c130 both relate to internet issues, have you tried following the help for error c233? 

Did you reboot the hub as well as the V6?  Is the V6 connected with an ethernet cable or wirelessly? Are you using a 3rd party router/access point?

 Go to Home > Help & Settings > Settings > Network connection. When was the last successful connection?

If you're connected using wireless, what's the signal strength reported?

have you tried reconnecting V6 to the internet?  If not  instead of rebooting the hub you can try clicking on  "Connect to Virgin Media service" and wait around 30 minutes before rechecking, what does it say?

Hopefully it will have reconnected and all will be working again.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @alipb, thank you for your post.

We're sorry to hear about the problem you're having and that you feel this way 😔

Have you tried following the excellent advice provided by @newapollo? If so, is the problem now resolved?

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience.


thank you for your help.... it did work...not happening as much now but bit concerned the amount of times it happened....

hi yes i did worked....but has happened again on saturday....the internet does keep dropping for some reason.... i just dread having to call virgin.....

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@alipb wrote:

the internet does keep dropping for some reason.....

Is your home broadband completely dropping? Or is it just the connection between your home-hub & V6?

Is that connection wireless or Ethernet cable?

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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