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My virgin v6 box is not working

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My virgin box is not working. I’ve followed all the online steps and still no channels coming up, after running a test on my kit it says my tv boxes x3 aren’t connecting?


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Can you explain how your V6 isn't working? When you say no channels are coming up, are they greyed out in the channel guide? Or do you get an error message on-screen? In which case - what is the code?

Your post implies you have multiple V6 boxes in your home - if so, are all the boxes affected or only one?

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I have 3 boxes 2 are working although on the status checker it says they also have a connection problem. It just comes up a black screen and reads “ this channel is not authorised “


 when I go on to virgin tv guide I get this message also

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The description on that error code pretty much covers it to be fair - has this V6 been connected to VM's coax (for live TV) & internet (for VoD & updates) in the past 30days? Or have you made any changes to your account that could have caused boxes to be added or removed?

How is the affected box connected to your home-hub, for it's this which provides the onward internet connection. Is it Ethernet cabled or wireless? How about the 2 working boxes? Have you tried swapping the boxes around to see if the issue moves with the swap?

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Hi @daniw19 👋 Thank you for your posts and welcome to the Virgin Media Community 😀

We're sorry to hear about the problem you're experiencing 😔

How have things been since you last posted? Have you tried searching for the error code "M58" here and following all the advice provided?

Also, could you please answer all the questions asked by @japitts?

Please pop back to us at your earliest convenience and we'll do our very best to help.
