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Where is "Watchlist" on TV360???

On our wavelength

Hi,   Where is the "Watchlist" on the Tv360 Box?    I can use the speech button and say watchlist and it takes me there, but no option under any of the menus. i.e not under boxsets or recordings etc…

the TVGo app has watchlists under the "saved" menu, really easy to find, but cannot find it on the actual box menu itself. 

** I do not use a separate profile, everyone in the house uses the same.



Fibre optic

Keep scrolling down the home page. It's there!

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi Go1dy 

The Watchlist rail will appear on the Home screen once you have selected any programs to add to the Watchlist. (normally between the Recent Recordings rail and the recently used apps rail)

On the 360, the 'watchlist' function is where you bookmark your shows for later viewing. When you search for a programme or click the show from the guide, if it is available on demand, the 'watchlist' option appears next to the record option.

You can search for something using voice (e.g. ‘Movies with John Wayne’) select the item you want, then press the contextual key (3 dots) on your 360 remote.  This brings up a sub menu. Info and Add to Watch list. Highlight Add to Watch list and press OK.

If you want to remove it from your watchlist then press the Home button and scroll down to Watchlist. Then highlight the program and press the contextual key and select Remove from Watchlist and press OK.

I don't work for Virgin Media.
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